Commissioned by a high-end restaurant for Remembrance day, in partnership with Early Hours Ltd.
Photo credit: Nataly Jennings Early Hours LTD. (Instagram)
With an incredibly short deadline, these beautifully sculptural poppies were one of our favourite projects to work on.
Using a wooden based, we secured wire outlines of the petals and intricately covered them using waterproof fabric. This technique allowed us to bend and shape the petals into the desired position to really bring them to life. We then painted and sealed them to be weather resistant. 
The pistil of the poppy is a small ball of that same fabric covered with layers of Jesmonite applied with our finger tips to create texture. The whole is spray painted and dry-brushed to pick up all those little peaks, and then sealed onto the wooden base with some more Jesmonite. The end result is an incredibly effective sculptural piece with an even more fascinating process. 

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